I am going to be honest with you; taking your photography hobby to a place where you actually make a good living takes a lot work. But if you do it the right way, you will have a FUN, life-changing and exciting ride! When I made the decision to go Pro, my business grew at a good pace. But my success was not because of my talent, camera gear or connections.

Choosing a niche will not make it difficult to get clients; rather your focus will attract clients to you. More importantly, it will help set you apart from the competition.
When I first started out, these were my odds:
I had a basic mid-level crop frame camera and a single go-to lens. I still do, hoping to upgrade soon.
I knew nothing about lighting, posing or anything related to studio photography as I would photography mainly wildlife & landscapes.
I knew no one who could help me out as it is a niche genre.
I was no pro when it came to marketing, branding or even blogging. Well, my creative instincts were my only strength.
I had no connections in the industry of baby photographers
Above all, I knew absolutely nothing about the photographing babies and kids. Infact I lived with a fear and believed I could never photograph them

The truth is: you can never actually be completely fear - free. So that’s not really the goal here. The true goal is to ACT, despite the fear you are feeling.

So how did I do it?
My strengths that came in handy
Passion – It might sound strange, but I don’t believe that talent is enough; I believe that passion is the fuel and I am deeply and madly in love with my photography work.
Determination and willingness to learn – I spend hours, days, nights and months watching videos, practicing and self-learning.
Ambition + vision – I’m on a journey of belief and trust in myself to achieve the best in the coming years.
A creative mind – In the past I’ve crossed paths with graphic design, UI design and art in many forms and this has helped me in conceptualising innovative ideas, working on themes and ending up with the desired results.
Client Relations – Formerly from an advertising background and then the animation business with my husband has helped me with the foundations of Client relationships.

"Personally what I love the most about photography is that there is always something new to learn. I never get stuck in I - know - it - all - and - now - I - am - bored phase."